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So far Tariq has created 29 blog entries.

The Ocean Clean Up

By |2019-11-22T14:29:44+00:00November 4th, 2019|

Case Study The Ocean Clean Up Harnessing waves to collect garbage Partners Involved: Ocean, The Ocean Clean-Up Type of Partnership: Win-Win for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Waste Manager, Moneymaker Healthy oceans provide immeasurable benefits for the Public, ranging from food, fishermen livelihoods and tourism; and benefits the vast eco-systems [...]

Nature’s Prescriptions

By |2019-11-22T14:28:10+00:00November 3rd, 2019|

Case Study Nature Prescriptions Take a hike 3x weekly Partners Involved: National Health Service, The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare in the UK, Green Spaces Type of Partnership: Win-Win for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Therapist, Purifier, Isolator, Moneymaker The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare in the UK works with the National [...]


By |2019-11-22T14:26:30+00:00November 2nd, 2019|

Case Study BeeOdiversity Improving environmental and human well-being Partners Involved: Honeybees, wild bees and other pollinating insects; BeeOdiversity, Business organizations and public authorities Type of Partnership: Win-Win for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Data Partner, Nourisher, Sensor, Moneymaker For the public, the bees provide valuable data sets to analyze the [...]


By |2019-11-22T14:24:19+00:00November 1st, 2019|

Case Study Tree-conomics Valuing Trees in Economic Development Partners Involved: Trees, Kinomé, corporates, local communities Type of Partnership: Win-Win for Public and Planet Partnership Models: Nourisher, Moneymaker For the public, forests and trees make vital contributions: supporting livelihoods, providing clean air and water, preserving biodiversity and responding to climate change. [...]

Public-Planet Partnerships Featured in Stanford Social Innovation Review

By |2019-11-22T13:09:55+00:00June 6th, 2017|

Public-Planet Partnerships Featured in Stanford Social Innovation Review We protect nature. We learn from nature. But we are not collaborating with nature to solve the greatest challenges a human generation has ever faced. Read the SSIR feature on the Public–Planet Partnerships framework, published in Stanford Social Innovation Review. [...]

Public-Planet Partnerships at the World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa

By |2019-11-22T13:12:36+00:00May 23rd, 2017|

Public-Planet Partnerships at the World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa Results are encouraging PPP co-founder Tariq Al Olaimy joined a conversation between Global Shapers and world leaders on new solutions for society, the economy and conflict resolution, at the MENA World [...]

Interview with Public-Planet Partnerships Founders for Espace Bidaya

By |2019-11-22T13:15:02+00:00December 10th, 2016|

Interview with Public-Planet Partnerships Founders for Espace Bidaya Mélanie Marcel & Tariq Al Olaimy sont tous les deux des entrepreneurs sociaux engagés, respectivement originaires de France et du Bahrein. Après s’être rencontrés via le programme Ashoka Changemakers, une plateforme collaborative destinée aux jeunes entrepreneurs sociaux du [...]

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